Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Impulse Buy, Lazy Cat and Christmas Pics

This is a short, disjointed post with some random eye candy.

I stopped by Target to buy shampoo and cat liter and, as is the fate of all who enter Target, I left with more than I expected. Including this awesome white, gray and mustardy-yellow tablecloth that I picked up on clearance for $12.

I put it in the breakfast nook and it goes pretty well with my walls and curtains. Added bonus: it conceals the bench which is due for reupholstering, something that is pretty low on my home improvement list.

I haven't been posting much because for the past 2.5 months, I've been surfing like a madwoman. The conditions in San Diego have been really consistent and fun leaving little time for home improvement projects! Here's a random surf-related picture I took in La Jolla of some strange Lifeguard box.

My cat Jackson, doing what he does best:

Christmas 2011
Just because, here's what Christmas looked at my place in 2011.

Christmas 2011 portrait with my volleyball girlfriends at my 2nd Annual Girls Night In Holiday Celebration.