Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Landscaping - 6 Month Check Up

This one will be short on words, heavy on pictures. I've loved driving up to my house since I had the front yard done in December 2011, but since spring arrived, I've loved it even more! The yard has been so vibrant and beautiful with all the plants in bloom. See for yourself:

Front yard - May 2012. Spring has sprung!!
Still waiting for the crepe myrtle to bloom (the tree in the foreground)

Backyard - Install vs. 6 Months Later (click images to enlarge)
Apologies for not taking pictures in the same lighting!

Backyard - January 2012 - right after install

Backyard May 2012 - new chairs! No lemons right now though.
Backyard - January 2012, right after install
Backyard - May 2012. Not a huge difference yet - the backyard gets
less sun so except for the Kangaroo's Paws, things aren't growing quite as fast as the front yard.
Front Yard - Install vs. 6 Months Later
Front riverbed - December 2011

Front yard riverbed - May 2012

Front walkway - December 2011

Front walkway - May 2012

Front walkway - December 2011

Front yard - May 2012, dog walkers' view.

Front yard - December 2011 - right after install

Front yard - May 2012, driveby view.

Read the original post about my backyard makeover
Read the original post about the front yard landscaping

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